Well the NBA isn’t taking this fight too lightly at all. On Monday, the NBA handed down the suspensions and fines for all the players involved in the melee.

Carmelo Anthony was suspended 15 games for sucker punching Mardy Collins. Nate Robinson, NY Knicks, and J.R. Smith, Denver Nuggets, were suspended 10 games each for their altercation in the fracas. Also suspended from the NY Knicks was Mardy Collins for 6 games, Jared Jefferies for 4 games, and Jerome James, 1 game for leaving the bench during the fight. Also suspended from the Denver Nuggets was Nene, who received a 1 game suspension for leaving the bench as well. Both teams were also heavily fined, $500,000 dollars.

Said NBA commissioner David Stern:

“It is our obligation to take the strongest possible steps to avoid such failures in the future and to make a statement to all who follow the game of basketball that we understand our obligations and take them seriously.”

Also coming to light during this was a statement that Isiah Thomas had made to Carmelo Anthony about 20 seconds before the altercation began. Thomas had warned Anthony not to go into the lane before this had happened.

Anthony publicly apologized for his role in Saturday night’s fracas.

“Last night’s altercation with the Knicks escalated further than it should have. I take full responsibility for my actions in the matter. My actions were inexcusable, and I am sorry for making this an even more embarrassing situation.”


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