New Commenting System in Effect

Like a fine wine, Bloguin is getting better with age. The fine folks behind Bloguin have been putting together some great changes lately.

We’ve got the faster loading template and now we have a new commenting system here.

With that being said, there are a few things that need to be done. First, you’ll need to register your screenname over at You can do this one of three ways:

  • register with your email address or
  • sign in with facebook or
  • sign in with your Twitter username

For those of you who have registered to comment here on the site, in due time your Bloguin username and password will be migrated over.

And if you’re wondering if any of your comments you made will still be here, no need to worry about that either. The comments will be migrated over to the new commenting system as well.

I’m excited for the new commenting system as it will make the game day threads all the much better because it will update itself automatically.

One more thing that’s new is that when you now visit the site on your smartphone (Blackberry, iPhone, Android phone), you will now be able to view a mobile version of SOX & Dawgs. The one kink I’ve noticed with it is that any videos that I post from NESN aren’t working. I’m working on a workaround for that so hopefully in the future, it won’t be a problem.

But I can tell you it’s a lot nicer than having to readjust the browser size on your mobile phone to view the site. We do get a good amount of smartphone visitors each day so I’m glad they’ll get a better experience here at SOX & Dawgs.