The Days of Our Lives With Alex Rodriguez

There’s nothing like waking up this morning and seeing AROD on the front covers again of the main two NY tabloids. But before we get there, let’s just refresh what’s been happening in this week’s episode of the Days of Our Lives with AROD.

news002.jpg This came with the DJ thumbs up. DJ THUMBS UP

Even Manny reacted to it.Manny Being Manny

[Editors note: The parts about Manny and Jeter are for comic relief only. The pictures don’t reflect what they think because they haven’t commented publicly on the situation.]

You wake up and you go out to your door to get your morning NY tabloids and you’re greeted with this.


and this


So you wake up this morning, you put your robe on and head out to your front stoop to pick up the daily tabloids and this is what greets you.


This has to be a record for being on the cover of the NY tabloids for a week.

Head over to the NY Post for the juicy details about the Playboy wannabe and the NY Daily News to find out the news on why AROD was seen with his wife.

Welcome to Boston, Cynthia and Alex. I have a feeling it’s going to be a long weekend for you two.