Saturday Salute To Bloggers

La Texy caliente over at Center Field has a video of Jonathan Papelbon’s 9 innings segment on NESN with Tina Cervasio.

Dan over at Red Sox Monster found out that Alyssa Milano doesn’t give Papelbon a papelboner.

Jason from My Baseball Bias thinks Curt Schilling needs to shut up, again.

Bugs and Cranks has a look at the Daryl Strawberry All-Stars.

Anthony from the Oriole Post has some great pictures from when the Orioles honored Cal Ripken, Jr. this week.

J.D. from SporTech Matter isn’t happy about the recent free agent signing for the Miami Heat.

Sweet and sexy Sooze from Babes Love Baseball has a look at a funny headline from an Angels game this week.

Duece of Davenport has a video of how not to use a diving board.

The Bench Warmer has a look at the top six athletes turned actors.

SPORTSbyBrooks has a look at Matt Leinart’s movie role.

The Feed has a look at characters for a Simpsons Sports Movie.

Awful Announcing found a really bad typo on

Richie Rich from Home Run Derby has a look at the Mets fan commercial videos.

Larry Brown Sports shows us how sports bloggers are lazy and hypocritical.

And last but certainly not least, here is a look at Fitzy from the Townie News, latest Wicked Pissah webcast. As always, his videos are funny as heck but not safe for work (NSFW). Also, don’t forget to buy your GFY t-shirt.[/youtube]