Rocket: One More Start In The Minors??

TraderIt is looking Roger Clemens will probably make one more start in the minors on Monday night in Scranton before returning to the Evil Empire for a possible matchup with Curt Schilling on June 3rd at Fenway Park.

Several Yankees officials, all who remain anonymous, think it would be best for Clemens to get one more start under his belt in the minors due to his struggles on Wednesday night. He went 5 1/3 innings in his latest outing, allowing 6 hits, 3 runs, 4 walks and 5 strikeouts. He also uncorked a wild pitch and hit a Portland SeaDog’s batter. He also threw 102 pitches in this outing compared to 58 in the first.

Personally, I know the Yanks need him right now but there’s a reason why spring training is 6 weeks long and why most most pitcher’s have 4 or 5 starts. Roger is trying to accomplish all that in 2 starts is absurd. I am sure he was working out before this but then again most pitchers are working out before spring training. It’s not like Roger is 25 anymore. I think for his health, he’d be better served making one more start in the minors.

With the way the rotation sits for the Red Sox, Curt Schilling, as I mentioned above, looks to be on the hill June 3rd. Interestingly enough, that is an ESPN Sunday Night Game of the Week. I am sure the execs at the Worldwide Leader are frothing at the mouths for this matchup.

Update: Roger will in fact make one more start in the minors on Monday night. He will then rejoin the Yankees on June 2 or 3 at Fenway.

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