3 Ways to Enjoy Your Next Turkey Bowl

Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and you know what that means! Turkey, and your yearly Turkey Bowl. Turkey Bowls are a great family/friend tradition that has been going on for many years. 

If you aren’t familiar with the Turkey Bowl, it is a friendly football game that is usually played on the morning of Thanksgiving by family members and friends. The prize? Bragging rights! 

Whether your a spectator or a participant, there are a few things you can do to ensure your next Turkey Bowl is comfortable and fun.

Dress in Layers

Let’s face it, it can be cold outside when Thanksgiving rolls around. So, it is a good idea to dress in layers. You can always take layers off if you are too hot and put them back on if it gets a bit chilly. 

Start with a light long-sleeved base layer. Then layer a sweatshirt and a jacket—if you are a spectator. If it is really cold, do not forget your hat and gloves. 

If you’re a participant, still dress in layers, but make sure you are wearing something you can easily move around in. You still might want to bring your gloves and a coat, but you probably won’t be wearing them once you start playing.

Bring a Comfy Seat

No matter if you are a spectator or participant, having a comfy place to rest is important. There could be snow on the ground. If there is no snow, it could be cold or wet on the grass. 

Do not get stuck just sitting on the grass or on a light blanket. Make sure you bring a folding lawn chair. It will keep you dry as well as comfy, and it fits super easily into most cars. It might even come in handy if you are short on seats at Thanksgiving Dinner.

Fuel Up

If you are just spectating, make sure you have a few snacks and drinks to enjoy. Try not to fill up too much, since you want to save room for Thanksgiving Dinner. Still, it is nice to enjoy light snacks while you’re watching the game. 

If it is on the chilly side, maybe bring some hot cocoa or apple cider for yourself and other spectators. If you are a participant, be sure to stay hydrated, and have some light snacks an hour or so before you play. Don’t load up on snacks too much, or it might cost you the game!

Spectator or participant, just make sure to have fun! Turkey Bowls are a fun time-honored tradition with a huge helping of healthy competition. However, that should not stop you from enjoying the most important aspect—being with your friends and family. So, if Uncle Ned gives you a shove during the game or your brother accidentally knees your husband—try not to take it personally. It’s all in good fun!