“Sox Appeal”

Are you a single Boston Red Sox fan? Well if you are keep reading. If your not single but want to see what I have to say, well by golly keep on reading.

NESN and Scout Productions have announced plans for a Boston Red Sox “Reality Dating Show”. No, there will not be any Red Sox players involved in this but rather a single male Red Sox fans vying for the affection of one of three female Sox fans. Or is it the other way?

You ask how is this going to work, well I am going to tell you. There will be 10 episodes chronicling the blind dates of one male whooing 3 different females during two inning “blind dates”. I would have to think there will be at least 10 different males but it’s not clear at this point. At the 7th inning stretch, the male Sox fan will have to choose between one of the three single females. If she chooses to accept his offer, the pair will watch the last two innings from his seats. If not, he gets to sit there like a loser by himself at the game.

Scout Productions Executive Producer, David Collins, had this to say:

“A blind date is tough enough for anyone, but it will be particularly challenging with our curveball—a baseball game in a ballpark full of the world’s most passionate fans. Sox Appeal is meant to be a fun, exciting and unique dating show. It puts the viewer right into the lives of two single individuals on a set-up blind date as they get to know each other for the first time, and in front of a crowd of over 35,000 screaming Red Sox fans. Hopefully some of these couples will hit themselves a homerun of a date, but I’m sure more than a few will strike out!”

Plans for casting will be announced in February when the “Sox Appeal” website is introduced. Casting will take place at various retail locations in New England and the shows will be filmed before July when they are expected to the air.

So if your a single Red Sox fan and want to have your dating life shown on NESN, why not sign up? Besides being the potential of being embarassed, it is a way to see a Red Sox game for free. Hey you never know, you might just find the love of your life. And besides, wouldn’t dating a Sox fan be better than dating someone who likes the Evil Empire.

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