As many of you know or found out when you came to visit the site, I decided basically overnight a few weeks ago to shut down my site. At that point I hadn’t decided whether or not it was going to be permanent. I was burnt out and stressed out from other things.

During the time off, I found myself with more time than normal during the day and began to think, had I made a horrible mistake. I knew that my site was popular but after seeing emails and tweets from people, I hadn’t realized how popular the site was.

So I got back to thinking. Was shutting the site down for good what I really wanted? Or was it that I just needed a break? If I am to bring back the site, changes need to be made but what will those changes be?

The answer to the first question after thinking was no I didn’t want to shut down the site for good. I had something built up here. To answer the second question, yes I probably just needed a break.

The answer to third question is yes there will be changes to be made to the content. Since the Patriots coverage has been nothing to spotty at best, I will be cutting that out. It will return only if Steve returns to the site (that is something I’ve discussed with him). The Celtics coverage will also be dropped. There are plenty of great sites out there for which you can get that coverage.

This will allow me to focus on the Boston Red Sox and UConn Huskies. For the Huskies coverage, it will remain the same. Previews of games, quick recaps of games and a daily link roundup.

I don’t expect to change too much in the Red Sox coverage other than I probably won’t be doing full game recaps. Although I really hadn’t done a full one in a while, I was doing brief almost AP-like recaps. I may or may not do those for the playoffs.

Also, instead of linking to every Red Sox story out there after offering up my thoughts in Morning Red Sox post, more than likely I will direct you to the media websites.

However, with that being said, if something important does come up either over night and during the day, I will link directly to the story.

So other than dropping the Patriots and Celtics, I don’t think you’ll really see too much changing here. I still plan to do the other things I’ve been doing if my schedule permits such as MMA videos and other sports stories.

I also plan to bring back the link salute to other bloggers once or twice a week. As always that will link you to some of the best stories from the blogs and sites I read on a daily basis.

I’ve talked to Amanda Bruno of Batter-up With Bruno and she’ll be stopping by from time-to-time when her schedule permits to do some cross-posting here.

I want to personally thank everyone for their support while I tried to figure out what was best for me and the site. Without you, the site wouldn’t be anything. So for that I thank you.