Youk and Joba - Boston Globe & AP Photos

Lost: The Red Sox bats. If found, please return to Fenway Park. The Sox threw out their best 3 pitchers and the Yankees threw out their best 3 pitchers and well heck, y’all know what happened. The Red Sox got swept out of NY. The lead in the AL East is down to 5 games. Am I worried? No. All the Red Sox have to do is keep doing the things that got them this far. There was a little bit of drama in the game and I am not talking about Terry Francona getting ejected after a judgment call by the umpires. I am talking about the ejection of Joba Chamberlain. He had a bit of the nerves and threw two fastballs over the head of Kevin Youkilis. Were they intentional? I don’t think they were. Naturally, the Red Sox think he did while the Yanks say otherwise. Should make for some interesting games at Fenway in two weeks. Baltimore comes into town, losers of 9 straight games but before they take the field for batting practice this afternoon, let’s take a look at the headlines and happenings from the Boston area and New York media on this last Friday in August.

Over their heads [Boston Globe]


Revived Bombers sweep scuffling Sox [Boston Herald]

Cano, Wang, Yanks sweep Sox [NY Daily News]

Riled & Wild [Hartford Courant]

Red Sox waste chance to put Yanks away in AL East [Newsday]

Red Sox get dusted [Pro Jo]

Francona is uniformly upset [Boston Globe]


Yanks phenom raises Sox’ ire [Boston Herald]

Yanks’ wins give race new look [NY Daily News]

Torre Still Playing By The Rules? [Hartford Courant]

Joba adds fuel to heated Red Sox-Yankee rivalry [Newsday]

Umpire: Pitcher ejection justified [Pro Jo]

For more headlines head over to the Boston Globe, Boston Herald, Hartford Courant, Providence Journal, NY Post, NY Daily News and Newsday websites.