Your favorite Texan in the Windy City and mine, the super sexy Texy from Center Field did some research and found out that Jacoby Ellsbury from the Red Sox is the highest drafted Native American in history.

The Yankees Chick is always a safe bet.

The beautiful Gridiron Goddess tells you how Oregon can beat Michigan today.

Lizzy from Babes Love Baseball has a video of Johnny Demon and Roger Clemens onstage Kenny Chesney.

The Starter Wife from Ladies… shows you how to make a 9-Layer Ranchero Dip.

Pretty funny headline on this post from The Feed.

Will, editor emeritus at Deadspin, has a great post about Rick Ankiel.

You Been Blinded has finished Christmas shopping already.

The Big Lead tells us that Mike Tirico passed on Dan Patrick’s radio gig at the four letter.

Richie Rich from Home Run Derby has a pretty funny video of a dance-off between a Mexican mascot and a little person.

Awful Announcing has some information about the Kanye/50 Cent faceoff with Stuart Scott.

Dan from Red Sox Monster has some funny pictures of Blue Jays fans.

Still no new videos from Fitzy over at the Townie News, so instead I bring you a video from Nick Stevens of Burly Sports.

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