Saturday Salute To Bloggers

Texas Gal at Ladies… writes about her first baseball boyfriend, Craig Biggio.

Deadspin gives you a video about the return of the Stephen A. Smith hecklers.

Sooze from Babes Love Baseball has a funny poll about baseball and old people.

With Leather talks about a soccer team in Uganda that had to forfeit a game for what can only be described as the “runs”.

Maureen over at Yankees Chick is only 97% sickened by the Yankees now.

The Fanhouse gives you P Diddy’s take on the fashions worn at the NBA draft.

Anthony at the Oriole Post went to see Daniel Cabrera at ESPN Zone in Baltimore.

Kevin Youkilis checked in with another blog entry. (you may notice I was the first to comment)

The fine folks at The Big Lead have some pictures of bad tattoos on a hot soccer wife.

And my favorite part and hopefully yours, Fitzy from the Townie News provides you with his latest “Wicked Pissah” webcast.[/youtube]