
All Hail The New Leader of Red Sox Nation, RemDawg.

Interim President of Red Sox Nation Jerry Remy won the election for President of Red Sox Nation that was held over the weekend. RemDawg won in a landslide as he finished with 25,000 more votes than the runner-up, “Regular” Rob Crawford.

Sox Space founder Jared Carrabis finished third, Cheryl Boyd fourth and Cindy Brown finished fifth. Also receiving votes were Sam Horn and Peter Gammons as well as “El Guapo” Rich Garces.

RemDawg had said during the debate that his Vice President would be the runner-up in the election. He also stated during the debate that whomever was his VP would receive the perks scheduled for the President.

RemDawg will be throwing out a ceremonial first pitch before tonight’s game. Congratulations on winning the first election to be President of Red Sox Nation.