I ran across something on another blog that was pretty funny to me. Chad Gramling over at Chad Gramling’s Baseball Blog has a similar ritual before Opening Day that I do. He spends a part of his day watching ‘Mr Baseball’ while I watch ‘Fever Pitch’.

It’s funny to me because I only started my ritual of watching ‘Fever Pitch’ last year because it was the first real Hollywood movie involving the Red Sox. I am sure someone will correct me on that. If you don’t know me, you don’t know that I am a huge Red Sox fan and sports fan in general and do whatever I can not to miss a game. No I don’t have season tickets but I do try to attend 1-2 games a year. And if I am home, I will watch the game. If I miss it for any reason, I will watch the Red Sox in 2 on NESN. Or if I happen to be driving, I will throw the game on the radio.

This year, I will be attending opening day at Fenway (April 10th) with my friend and I will also be sitting atop the Green Monster for the last game of the year with my mother. My mother had complained a few years back when I sat on the Green Monster in 2004 and 2005. I don’t think the first time I went she would have really wanted to come since it was for a friend’s bachelor party. The 2005 trip was with some of my friends.

Anyways, even though ‘Fever Pitch’ is a romantic comedy, it really takes a look at the life of a crazed Red Sox fan. While my life is not as crazy as Jimmy Fallon’s character in the movie, I can see similarities. His closet is similar to a drawer I have in my dresser. It is filled with every Red Sox t-shirt I own. There’s too many of them to even count. The one thing I am envious of is that he has season tickets near the Sox dugout.

It’s Opening Day 2007 people. Skip school, call out of work. This day only comes once a year.