On Thursday, DirecTV and MLB announced that their 7 year $700 million deal is done. It still needs the approval of the owners but more than likely those greedy bastards will approve it.

The deal includes provisions to allow InDemand and the Dish Network to remain providers for a certain cost. Bob DuPuy, MLB COO had this to say about the situation:

“In response to those concerns of our fans, baseball has negotiated with DirecTV to offer the package to the incumbents,” DuPuy said. “I hope that those fans who have been directing their concerns to us over the last several weeks will now encourage their cable carriers to in fact enlist for this package.”

Just another way for big brother to rape the cable companies. I personally think the whole deal is ridiculous. It is just MLB’s way of controlling who gets to see out-of-market games. I’d much rather subscribe to MLB.com and watch the games on the internet. To me, the deal is similar to what the NFL is doing with the NFL Network. Another thing is I don’t see the point of offering it to the previous providers and also hosting it on DirecTV. Why not leave the deal the way it was? I’d like to know where this $700 million is going to go.