RemDawg To Do Only Home Red Sox Games For Rest of 2009

Jerry Remy Baseball cardAfter coming back at the beginning of the last homestand, NESN color analyst for Boston Red Sox games Jerry Remy said that he would probably do only the home games for the rest of the season.

On Tuesday afternoon via Twitter, he made that official.

For rest of season I’ll be doing home games only-means #RedSox don’t have Wally with them-so you should keep your Wally close to TV-Jerry

I don’t think anyone in Red Sox Nation has a problem with this at all as we all want the RemDawg to continue to get better from his recent health problems.

My best guess is that Dave Roberts and Dennis Eckersley will fill-in on the road for the rest of the 2009 season. Roberts is expected in the booth for Tuesday night’s game with the Tampa Bay Rays.