Written by Steve Hofstetter, Adam Hofstetter, Cody Marley, Ryan Murphy, Rich Ragains, Elliot Steingart, and Chris Strait

Congratulations to Craig Biggio, who became the 27th major leaguer with 3,000 hits. And it only took him 3,000 seasons.

A group of New York Yankees went to visit injured Iraq war veterans at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. Because if there’s anyone who knows about getting shelled, it’s the New York Yankees.

Struggling Yankee reliever Scott Proctor tried to improve his fortunes by setting his equipment on fire. The Yankees are considering doing the same thing to Bobby Abreau.

In tennis, Roger Federer won his 50th straight match on grass. No one has played this well on grass since Ricky Williams.

The NFL has folded its European League after 16 years. Football fans in Estonia are crushed.

The Louisiana state legislature has voted to ban cockfighting. Looks like the Saints won’t be playing the Falcons this year.

The Philadelphia Flyers have agreed to a $52 million contract with free agent forward Daniel Briere. To pay his salary, they’ll be selling the franchise three times.

A couple in England gave their daughter 25 middle names, each the last name of a former boxing champion. It’s the first time the birth certificate will weigh more than the baby itself. And the baby is already drooling and babbling like the best of them.

And Mike Tyson is livid that WBA Heavyweight champion Ryslan Chagaev is being called “the White Tyson” simply due to his similar physique. Chagaev apologized and promised that he’ll also start eating babies.

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