Red Sox News & Notes – 8/7


It wasn’t the start that the Curt Schilling was looking for I am sure but he really didn’t pitch all that bad. He had been cruising along in the first 3 innings when in the 4th, he decided to try and barehand a Vlad Guerrero ball up the middle. After that, his splitter was never the same. The ejection of Manny Ramirez in the 3rd inning led to Brandon Moss’ MLB debut and the kid made a few mistakes. In the 4th, he threw to the wrong base (third) instead of throwing to second to keep the double play. The ejection of Manny came as a surprise because he usually so quiet but he must have said the right word to get ejected. With the loss, the Sox lead in the AL East is now 6 games. But before Tim Wakefield goes for his 23rd straight decision tonight, let’s take a look at the headlines and happenings from the Boston and Los Angeles area media on what will be a balmy Tuesday in the greatest nation, Red Sox Nation.

Monkey business hurts [Boston Globe]

Izturis throws a chill into Schilling [LA Times]

Izturis, Halos in seventh heaven [Boston Herald]

Angels beat Boston 4-2 [The Orange County Register]

Unhappy returns [Pro Jo]

Angels triumph in battle of titans [LA Daily News]

Sox Fall Short [Hartford Courant]

Touted pick Harvey not close to signing [LA Times]

Moss thrown in right away [Boston Globe]

Aybar activated from disabled list [The Orange County Register]

October arrives early [Boston Herald]

Halos not in a lather over Sox [LA Daily News]

Kielty’s arrival could be end for Peña [Pro Jo]

Ramirez Gets In The Act [Hartford Courant]

Kevin Youkilis checked in with his first blog entry in 6 weeks.

For more headlines and stories, head over to the Boston Globe, Boston Herald, Providence Journal, Hartford Courant, LA Times, The Orange County Register and LA Daily News websites.

P.S. – Can someone please beat the Skanks?