NFL Owners Approve CBA; Players Say Not So Fast

NFL owners have voted tonight 31-0 to accept the proposed CBA.  The Oakland Raiders abstained from voting. The proposed CBA is a 10 year deal between the owners and the NFL Players that is contingent upon all of the union matters, including re-certification, being resolved by Wednesday July 27.  The deal contains no opt out clause for either side.

NFL LockoutAmong those union issues that need to be rectified is the re-certification of the union by a majority vote of the leagues 1900 players.  All the legal actions need to be dropped and the plaintiffs need to be made whole.  A vote on the Brady mediation that includes acceptance of the old CBA as part of the new agreement.  Any changes proposed to that old CBA need to be negotiated and agreed to by Saturday July 30.  And if there’s is no agreement of the newly negotiated portions the old CBA will terms on benefits, discipline, safety, etc shall be in effect for the full 10-year term of the new agreement.

The NFL Players are discussing the new CBA and expected to vote on it tonight.  If it is accepted by the player’s teams will be allowed to open facilities for voluntary workouts starting on Saturday morning.

According to Jay Glazer of FOX Sports he is hearing the player conference call is not going well and that there will be NO Player vote tonight on this agreement.  According, an email between NFL Players Association head DeMaurice Smith and the players indicated the players still had serious concerns over the ownership proposal.

Albert Breer of the NFL Network has traded messages with a couple of the player reps during the conference call he said; “They feel they have nothing to vote on, so there will be no vote.”

Currently the problem is that the NFL has not apparently provided the players with a complete CBA document for them to look at and vote on.

The players have until Tuesday to vote on any new agreement in order to keep with the proposed NFL Calendar.

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