UPDATE: Torre Out as Yankees Manager?

Just reported on ESPN and earlier in the New York Daily News, Joe Torre will reportedly be fired by the end of the day today (October 8th) and be replaced by Lou Pinella. Stay tuned to this as I will post any new developments here.

I know some of you are asking why I would post news about the Yankees firing Joe Torre. Well the reason is even though I am a Red Sox fan, I am a baseball purist. Joe Torre to me is a great manager and he deserves better than this. I don’t see it as his fault for the reason why the Yankees didn’t advance. As seen by TEAM USA’s recent failures in certain sports, a team of all stars usually doesn’t win. Anyways, good luck to Joe Torre in his future endeavors.

UPDATE: It is being reported on ESPN and ESPN.COM that Joe Torre will return for a 12th season as the skipper of the New York Yankees. To me, this is big Stein’s way of keeping the Yankees on the back pages of the New York papers while the Mets are in the playoffs still.