It didn’t take long for Boston Red Sox second baseman Dustin Pedroia to make his presence known at the Red Sox Player Development Complex as Terry Francona already started with the shots at him. And of course Pedroia responded back quickly.

Laser ShowOn Terry Francona referring to him as Giovanni Ribisi after letting his hair grow: “I don’t know what Tito’s starting. He’s a tool. He poured water on himself today to pretend he was working out. He didn’t do (expletive). I might kick his ass before we get started.”

On his hair again: “Sick, huh? … The jokes are cool when I’m 20 and I’m losing my hair. But I’m a grown-ass man now. I think it looks solid. My wife likes it.”

Of course, he talked a little smack towards Carl Crawford who hasn’t arrived in Ft. Myers as of yet.

Carl Crawford told USA Today he can’t wait to play with you. What’s your reaction? “What a shocker (laughs). I’ve worked with Carl for three or four years (in Arizona). I put some whuppings on him in ping-pong and talked a lot of trash to him. I’m glad he’s on our team. It’s a pain in the butt playing against him. He’s running wild. It’s going to be fun having him on our side.”

During his interview with the assembled media, Pedroia also talked about the health of his foot, the offseason additions, the lineup and many other things.

Clay Buchholz also arrived in at the PDC on Friday which means the entire Red Sox rotation is in camp ahead of schedule. And speaking of Buchholz, Brian MacPherson takes a look at Jered Weaver‘s losing his arbitration case and what it means for Buchholz.

We’re about a day and a half away from all of the pitchers and catchers reporting. Spring is in the air, I can feel it.

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