You may have noticed but I have decided to change the look of the blog again. I have reasoning for the madness.

For one, the old theme was causing my site to crash a lot. You may have noticed that when you came buy it said, you may have used too much of the CPU and seen a gray screen. That was due to some errors in the coding of the blog theme itself.

Secondly, while I did like the color scheme, this new look is more professional and sleek.

You may notice it is a little narrower as well. I am working on that as well. I have tested it on a 15 inch regular monitor as well as my 15.4 widescreen to make sure it fits. The site is optimally viewed with at least a 1024*768 screen resolution.

There are some things that need to be changed still as you may have noticed. The archives and about links at the top don’t work. Also I do need to change the header pictures. I am currently working on that as well.

I may make a few other changes to the style but nothing too extreme.

Thanks to Steve for helping me out this afternoon and pointing out some missing things. I will do my best to get everything back that was here before.

Thanks for reading. Your support is much appreciated.