Before we go into some sports related stuff, lets check out the lastest from the Britney Spears shaving her head debacle.
According to like every news organization and stuff, Britney Spears actually shaved her own head. The owner of the salon where she went to get her cut was afraid of being sued. Mrs Federline Miss Spears grabbed the clippers from someone at the salon and shaved her own head with the owner of the salon doing the final touchup.
Britney was spotted out at The Roxy on Sunday night sporting the beautiful blonde wig seen on the left.
I really think she has lost her mind. She will probably end up like Anna Nicole soon if she doesn’t get her act together. I’d like to know who is watching the kids while she is out being a skank in public. Can’t DCF get involved out in Cali because she is proving to be a totally unfit mother. I can tell you this is she was in the great state of Connecticut, her children would in the DCF system here.
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