Family Obligations This Morning

As much as I want to sit here and write about how sucky Brad Penny was last night and that somebody needs to light a fire under the collective A$$es of the Boston Red Sox, I just don’t have time this morning.

I have to take care of some familial obligations this morning and do hope that you understand.

As you know when I’m not around, big things usually happen. If this is the case, Ken from Fang’s Bites will be texting me if something big does happen so at least I know about it to write about when I’m done later today.

While I can’t guarantee I’ll be able to get the lineup post done, I should be done around gametime this afternoon and will start doing some updates then.

I’ll leave you with the links to the Boston papers and enemy papers.

For slices of Boston Red Sox goodness, head over to the Boston Globe, Boston Herald, and Providence Journal websites.

And if you want to see what the enemy papers are saying, head over to the San Francisco Chronicle, San Jose Mercury News and Contra Costa Times websites.