Ray Allen And The Boston Celtics Come To Town

Banner 17I’m not sure what y’all are doing this afternoon but if you’re in the Hartford, CT area between 12:30-2:30 PM, why not stop over at the State Capitol Building to check out the Boston Celtics World Championship Trophy.

Former UConn Husky Ray Allen, Rajon Rando and Tony Allen will be on hand along with some executives from the Celtics will be there along with the trophy. The viewing will take place in in the first floor rotunda of the State Capitol Building , located at 210 Capitol Avenue in Hartford, CT.

“Connecticut is home to some of the most passionate and knowledgeable basketball fans in the entire country and anytime we have the opportunity to show our appreciation to one of our favorite teams we will,” Governor Jodi Rell said in a press release. “September 18 will be Boston Celtics Day in Connecticut, not only to congratulate the team, but to recognize the thousands of Celtics fans across the state who want to celebrate with the team, get an up close look at a piece of NBA history and join other fans in generating excitement as the Celtics prepare to defend their title.”

And if you happen to go and want to send us some pictures, we’d be more than happy to post them up here with full credit going to you.