The Giambino Is A Druggie After All

Like we didn’t see this one coming. Of course we all thought he would get busted for steroids. According to a New York Daily News published report, Jason Giambi tested positive for amphetamines in a drug test given to him from MLB.

This comes on the heels of him basically admitting that he took steroids or performance enhancing drugs. It also explains why he is tested more than any other player. When a MLB player tests positive for amphetamines, he is subject to six additional tests during the season. Normally, positive tests for the “greenies” are not made public unless a player has failed a test a second time. Only when a player has tested positive for steroids, the test results are made public knowledge.

When Giambi was asked about the test results, he had this to say,

“I can’t really talk about anything.”

Arn Tellen, Giambi’s agent also has no comments about the situation.

This positive result presents an interesting situation for the Yankees and the Giambino’s contract status. After he made the comments last week, the Yankees were exploring ways to see if they could void his contract. You can bet your bottom dollar that the Yankees will now probably use this failed test as a way to terminate his contract.

All this comes on a day where the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim expressed an interest in Giambi. Giambi wants to stay and finish his career in New York.

For those of you who don’t know what amphetamines are, this below will explain:

An amphetamine is technically a specific kind of stimulant, but the term is used in anti-doping circles as a catch-all for any banned stimulants, including drugs that are illegal without a prescription, as well as some over-the-counter drugs that are considered performance-enhancers.

Basically, amphetamines give you increased stamina. One of the side effects is increased sweating. Now if you have ever watched a Yankees game, you have probably seen the Giambino sweating buckets, looking like he just came out of the shower.

I’ll be honest with you. I have used amphetamines before. But they were prescribed to me by a doctor. When I hurt my back, I was given percocets for the pain. If you have ever taken percs before, they make you really tired. I told the doctor I was having trouble staying awake in the morning, so he gave me some samples of Provigil. They actually ended up making me too hyper and increased my heart-rate, so I stopped taking them.

What is Giambi thinking? Have the steroids messed up his brain too? I guess he is looking for any edge he can get these days. The biggest question I have is, why is he taking all this stuff?

I think it’s only a matter of time before Giambi is no longer a member of the New York Yankees and probably totally out of baseball. Although, I am sure some team will take a chance on him. That is if he isn’t suspended for failing another test. Just watch a Yankees game to watch him sweating like he was just getting out of a pool. As a matter of fact, just watch the Red Sox kick the Yankees butts again tonight on ESPN. You will see what I am talking about.

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