Roger Clemens Press Conference

Just one day after appearing on 60 Minutes and filing a defamation suit against his former trainer Brian McNamee, Roger Clemens held a press conference in Houston today.

Clemens lawyer, Rusty Hardin, opened up the press conference with some opening statements offering a timeline of the events that led up to the press conference today. You can see them in the video below.

After that a tape of an alleged conversation between Clemens and McNamee was played that you can listen to in the video below.

Clemens then answered questions until he got so pissed off, he walked out and left, which can be seen in this video.

Did the tape of the alleged conversation change anything? Personally, I don’t think the tape did anything to help either side. McNamee obviously didn’t know that he was being taped. It is legal to tape a conversation in the state of Texas if you have consent of one person. The person that consented was of course Clemens.

Clemens did say that he will testify in front of Congress next Wednesday. So it will be interesting to see what happens. As for me, I still haven’t decided either way. I said back in the beginning if your name is in the Mitchell Report, either come out and deny it or take legal recourse to clear your name. Obviously Clemens has done this, so I will reserve my judgment for now.