What a crock of crap!

I am going to stray from the sports and news of the weird posts tonight as I give my two cents on The Apprentice Finale tonight.

What a crock of shit Randall is? He had the chance to give Rebecca another chance and yet decided to steal the show tonight and say to a national tv audience that the show was about hiring one apprentice and not two.

To me this was the best Apprentice yet. The final two were both deserving and worthy candidates. Randall’s background was exceptional as was Rebecca’s. This season was entirely different then the others because Mr. Trump on more than one occasion fired more than one person at a time.

Anyways back to the ranting. I do believe that Randall was the better candidate for the job. But Rebecca proved herself strong overcoming a severely broken ankle at the beginning of the interview process. Randall also overcame adversity as his grandmother passed away during the first few weeks of the show. Randall’s academic acheivements are incredible. The freakin dude has 5 degrees and was a Rhodes Scholar. He also runs 5 successful companies. Rebecca on the other hand is a financial journalist. Her academic achievements are no where as strong as Randall’s. She has also founded a nonprofit to help disenfranchised children. At 23 yrs old, she has done more than most people will do in their lifetime’s.

What Randall did was selfish. This was not The Apprentice the “game” but rather The Apprentice the “job interview”. I know in most job interviews there is only one position available. But a man with Donald Trump’s extensive wealth, he has the ability to hire more than one apprentice. After he chose Randall, he brought him back to the table and asked him if he thought Rebecca was deserving as well. That is when Randall went into his rants and ravings. Instead of stepping up to the plate, Mr Trump sat back and said i agree but I could have been swayed. I dont fault Mr. Trump but rather Randall for being a selfish prick.

Mr. Trump, do the right thing and reward Rebecca for her hard work and efforts.