Update for Tuesday, May 11th

There will be no morning posts this morning as I’m heading up to Boston for the Josh Beckett and Jacoby Ellsbury wine tasting thing at the House of Blues. I’ll have a video camera with me so I’ll be taking pictures and hopefully some video to post here when I get to the hotel where I’ll be staying overnight to attend Wednesday’s day game.

I will do my best to get those posts up later in the day with the exception of the Boston Red Sox News & Notes post. So if you want to read more about last night’s Red Sox win, be sure to check the links below.

For more slices of Boston Red Sox goodness, head over to the Boston GlobeBoston HeraldESPN BostonNESNProvidence Journal and WEEI websites.

And if you must read the enemy papers, head over to The Globe and Mail, Toronto Star and Toronto Sun websites.