Hawaiian Earthquake

Well if your watching football and haven’t heard, there was a major earthquake this morning off the big island of Hawaii that measured 6.3 on the richter scale and an aftershock of 5.8. Ironically enough at the time I was calling my brother who lives on Oahu, he was calling me to tell me he was woken up by the quake. My brother is ok and is actually on his way to work at the Hawaiian Natural Institute of Energy to make sure that all of their projects are ok. For those who know my brother and want to know he’s doing, please call me on my cell and I will update you with information. Cell service is spotty out there and rather than have everyone call him at once, I will tell you that he is ok and will be checking in with me later

UPDATE at 4:30 PM: My brother just called and was actually more concerned that he was missing the football games today. So I gave him the scores. He did state that his projects at work were ok and that there is still no power on the island. From what he said, they took the power down on the island to look for damage and will be systematically powering the generators back up. Once he gets power, he will be filing a report with me. So stay tuned.

UPDATE at 5:30 PM: I just tried calling my brother on Oahu and right now there is no cell service. I will keep trying as my brother wanted some football score updates and I wanted to let him know that Hawaii was in a state of emergency. OK well i finally got in touch with his voicemail. I left him some scores and let him know I just read that he won’t be getting his power back until this evening. For those who don’t know, Hawaii is 6 hrs behind us here on the east coast.

UPDATE at 6:30 PM: I just read this on the Honolulu Advertiser’s website, “Officials hope to have power back to most of O’ahu by nightfall.”

UPDATE at 7:00 PM: The Honolulu Advertiser is now reporting the earthquake was a 6.6 magnitude on the Richter scale.

FINAL UPDATE From me tonight (9:00 PM): I know that everything is fine with my brother out there. I just haven’t been able to get thru in a while. Landlines on Oahu still weren’t working and the cell service is spotty still. No new news to report on my end. Look for my brother’s experiences here tomorrow.