F–K Da Eagles Girl Does Maxim Shoot (NSFW)

Blonde F Da Eagles Bombshell

While the boys of KSK (Kissing Suzy Kolber) are focused on the story of Sarah Spain, I’d like to let you know about the girl who was seen on national tv during the Saints-Eagles game wearing a F–K Da Eagles T-shirt. SnarkySpot had earlier shown the video from the game and if you look below this is the video.


Turns out this little blonde bombshell is getting her 15 minutes of fame. The editors over at Maxim have reeled her in for a nice little photo shoot. Click here to see the photos.

Here is the interview that she did with Maxim:

What’s your day job when you’re not on national television wearing profane T-shirts?
Heather: I’m a singer at the Famous Door in New Orleans.

What’d you think of your first Maxim shoot?
I totally enjoyed it. It took me a little while to loosen up a little bit. I finally figured out that the least comfortable positions are the ones that look the best in photos. Only took me all day to figure it out.

What was the best part about it?
The best part was the people I got to meet. I enjoyed and liked everybody involved. I couldn’t have asked for a more comfortable situation.

Now, the tough questions: How much did it hurt when your Saints lost?
Pretty bad. The Saints were like the Cinderella story of the year. Everybody in New Orleans wanted the Saints to win. We almost got a little bit too dependent on it because it would’ve been such a great finale to the year. Especially coming back from Katrina.

Are you a season ticket holder?
Yeah. I sit in the same seats, every game, 30-yard line. So the one day I’m wasted and half-undressed, I make it on national television with “Fuck” on my shirt. [laughs] Just insane. Usually I don’t get drunk at the games because I need to pay attention to what’s going on.

But this time you had a few too many?
Yeah, just to give you a little insight into how my day was going, before the game I was drinking Red Bull and vodka and pouring Pop Rocks into my mouth, letting it foam out.

We’ve all been there. Have you gotten much feedback on your shirt?
Oh, are you kidding? It’s been a huge deal. Some of the comments on YouTube were pure hatred. People were just like “I wish Katrina had killed all of y’all.” And I’m like, “You’re probably 13 years old and can’t even spell ‘hurricane’ so fuck off.” I quit reading anything about it.

Did you have to cover the shirt up to get into the stadium?
No, I just walked right in. I mean, it’s New Orleans. I was with seven or eight people that had the same shirt on. You can buy shirts downtown that say, “I got shit-faced on Bourbon Street.” It’s just part of New Orleans. Nobody thinks anything of stuff like that. Nobody thought anything of it when they saw it in the Quarter. Of course, they freaked out when I got on TV. But if I ever thought in a million years I would’ve been on TV for that game I would’ve gone with “Hi Mom,” ya know? Just like everyone else.

Have you given any thought to starting your own T-shirt line?
Yeah, actually. Quite a bit. That’s a big question I keep getting. People are like, “How are you going to make this work for you?” Of course, everybody, you know…it’s all about the dollar. So we’ll see where it takes us.

Got a Super Bowl prediction?
I’m going to have to go with the Colts. I had a really crappy experience in Chicago. People threw eggs, donuts, beer and snowballs at us. And they were cowards about it. They would throw something at us, and then we’d turn around and nobody would be there. I mean, if you have the balls to throw an egg at me you better have the balls for me to kick your ass.

It was the most terrible sports experience I’ve ever been through. And the dick-to-chick ratio sucked. For every 500 guys there was one girl. It was terrible. And in New Orleans, it’s guy-girl, guy-girl, guy-girl. It’s southern hospitality down there. We’ll get you shit-faced on Bourbon Street before we whoop your football team’s ass , and then we all drink together again after. So it was like a real culture shock for me. I was like “Wow, you guys suck!” They were mean.

So folks, next time you are in New Orleans, head on over to the Famous Door and have your Maxim singed by Heather herself.

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