Video: Snow Removal Continues At Rentschler Field For Whalers Hockey Fest

With over 22,500 tickets sold and a crowd of 30,000 expected for 2011 Whale Bowl on Saturday at Rentschler Field in East Hartford, CT. According to my father who has been there just about every day with my uncle to watch the games, the lower bowl is just about empty.

A full list of the rest of the games for the 2011 Whalers Hockey Fest can be found over at Tickets ($20 to $85) for the doubleheader on Saturday (Legends Game and CT Whale vs Providence Bruins) can be purchased at and the Bushnell box office in Hartford on Monday through Friday from noon to 5 p.m. or by calling the Whale at 860-728-3366. They also can be purchased online and printed immediately at

Video credit: Ladd B.