Red Sox News & Notes – 1/14

Red Sox News & Notes @ SOX & Dawgs

After serving a 24-hour suspension for failure to report some relevant Red Sox news, I am glad to say I am back. In all seriousness though, I had meant to post about the charity autograph signing the Red Sox rookies were going to hold today and lucky for me it was canceled due to the snowstorm that came through New England late last night and today. I can say that down here in West Haven, CT, we didn’t get any snow at all.

With the cancellation of the autograph signing today, the Red Sox have rescheduled the charity autograph signing until Wednesday, January 16th. It will take place from 4:45 to 5:30 PM and will still be held at the Official Red Sox Team Store on Yawkey Way. To get an autograph, you will need to make a donation of $20 to the Red Sox Foundation. This will entitle you to an autograph of each player that’s participating.

The players expected to participate include pitchers Clay Buchholz, Devern Hansack, Michael Bowden, Hunter Jones, Justin Masterson, and Dustin Richardson; catcher Dusty Brown; infielders Aaron Bates, Chris Carter and Jed Lowrie; and outfielders Bubba Bell and Jonathan Van Every

Also, if you are interested to know where the offseason improvements are at, check out this video.