Breaking News: Red Sox Finalize Deal w/ J.D. Drew

Great news Sox fans!! This whole saga with J.D Drew is over.

The Boston Red Sox will announce today or tomorrow that the 5 yr $70 million dollar contract that they had agreed to with J.D. Drew back on December 5th, 2006, has been finalized. The new language in the deal protects the Red Sox should Drew become disabled because of the shoulder. The clause states that the Red Sox will have the option to void the contract should Drew become disabled for a undetermined amount of time. It is rumored to be between 15 and 40 days spent on the disabled list.

The Red Sox cannot void the deal in the first two years but if in the third year of the deal, he becomes disabled related to the shoulder, the Red Sox can void, if they choose, the final two years of the deal. If he becomes disabled in the 4th year of the deal, the Red Sox have the option to void the 5th year. Any injury that happens to the shoulder must be baseball related. If no injury occur, the contract remains guaranteed for the length of the contract (5 yrs, $70 million dollars).

All I can say about this is that it’s about time. Finally, Terry Francona and Theo Epstein can move forward. Let’s hope the rest of Sox Nation is forgiving of what happened. The Red Sox were just trying to protect their investment. Considering the amount of money invested, the Red Sox made a good deal. Drew will bat 5th in the lineup and should protect Manny and Big Papi. This isn’t really something we’ve had with the Red Sox in a long time.

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