Are We Saying Goodbye to the Muddy Chicken?

On July 18th, we learned that Boston Red Sox second baseman Dustin Pedroia had a new nickname in the Muddy Chicken. It came about after the 16 inning game in Tampa Bay that fateful Sunday night during Josh Beckett‘s postgame presser:

Muddy Chicken New Balance“Unbelievable. Pedey [Dustin Pedroia], or the Muddy Chicken as we know him. The Muddy Chicken, we actually don’t even know his name anymore. He’s now the Muddy Chicken. I don’t know where it came from, but now he’s the Muddy Chicken,” said Red Sox starting pitcher Josh Beckett. “The Muddy Chicken is definitely the player of the game. He got it done when we absolutely needed it.”

Well now it appears that Pedroia, aka the Laser Show, Pedey or whatever you want to call him (I’m sure he’ll respond to anything these days) actually doesn’t want to be called the Muddy Chicken anymore.

Here’s a piece of what Carl Crawford had to say in his recent diary for ESPN Boston:

Hey, don’t go out and buy any Muddy Chicken T-shirts or anything. In case you hadn’t heard that was Pedy’s [Dustin Pedroia] nickname for a while. He said on Thursday that he doesn’t want to be called that anymore. I think he is in the market for a new one. Let me tell you about Pedroia. He’s a good teammate, a good player, everything. You can’t find anything bad to say about him. He keeps you laughing all the time. He’s got a lot of heart. A little man that plays a big man’s game. He’s definitely one of my favorite players. Even before we were teammates this year, I knew what he was like because I used to train with him at API [Athlete’s Performance Institute] in the off-season. So, I had a chance to meet him early on. I knew he was a high-character guy with a motor that just runs all day. He’s a real cool guy to be around.

Okay since Pedroia’s in the market for a new nickname, it’s time for us to be creative. Personally, I’ve been a fan of calling him the Leather Show for his defensive persona. It goes along great with the Laser Show moniker we’ve known him by for so long.

Got a cool nickname for Pedroia, leave it in the comments.

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