Super Bowl Ads

This is the day after the Super Bowl and I am sure a lot of the talk is centered around Peyton Manning and the Colts winning the Super Bowl. But I want to focus on the ads. The ads were nothing special to me. In fact, I think the best ad was the promo for “The Late Show With David Letterman”.

[youtube PNk38QKzZLs nolink]

Some of my other favorites were the Blockbuster ad using a mouse as well a computer mouse, Jay-Z and Don Shula in Bud Bowl, The Emerald Nuts commercial with Robert Goulet, and The Bud Light Rock, Paper, Scissors Ad. So tell me what your favorite ads were. If you want to see all the Super Bowl ads, head on over to YouTube.

[youtube wV0B3maUK0E nolink]

And for the cutest thing in the world, head on over to Animal Planet and watch highlights from Puppy Bowl III and you can also check out the intro here.

[youtube SekIYIe8vCs nolink]

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