When Will This Calhoun Nonsense End?

Jeff Hathaway and Jim Calhoun - AP PhotoSince last Saturday’s incident with a “local reporter”, we’ve seen UConn Huskies head coach Jim Calhoun be chastised about his actions and words.

We’ve had the governor of Connecticut say it was an “embarrassing display” and just yesterday we had two legislators here in this great state (sarcasm) want Calhoun to be reprimanded. With the economic climate the state faces, I can understand their disdain for the situation.

But they need to be realistic. Calhoun was ambushed by this “local reporter”. The question about the salary while it was a fair enough question to be asked, asking the question in a postgame press conference after a game where his team didn’t play it’s best is not the best place to do it.

What the “local reporter” could have done was just get Calhoun in a little more intimate environment to ask the question. The “local reporter” has even admitted to ambushing Calhoun during the press conference (I refuse to mention his name or link to where I saw that). So what does that tell you. This crackpot just wanted the attention and now he’s gotten it.

Hopefully this is end of it all. The poor guy gets the 800th win of his career on Wednesday night and here we are talking about some stupid incident rather than what a great coach he is and what 800 wins means.

But  since it hasn’t died down, we now have some statements from the UConn president Michael Hogan, UConn AD Jeff Hathaway and Calhoun that can be found after the jump.

Coach Calhoun is a valued member of the UConn community, a Hall of Fame coach with two national titles to his credit. His salary reflects a fair-market value and his teams generate considerable resources for our Division of Athletics. In addition, while the current controversy may cloud the facts, Coach Calhoun and his wife give back to our community in many ways – through the time, energy, and personal donations they invest in important charities. We at UConn (and the charities to which they give so generously) are grateful for their contributions and support.

As to the controversy over Coach Calhoun’s recent press conference, the question he was asked about his salary was perfectly fair, although the reporter, as Coach Calhoun suggested, might have found a more appropriate and less provocative setting for his inquiry. I am sure that we all regret the controversy, including Coach Calhoun, and I can assure you that we will continue to encourage all members of the UConn community to resist temptation and treat others in a judicious and respectful manner, no matter what the circumstances.

Jim and I have talked on a number of occasions about the debate over his comments from last Saturday. It is clear to me that Jim is now aware of the potential impact his comments may have had.

We are in agreement that in challenging and emotional settings we must always be sensitive to the manner in which we make our comments and how others may interpret them.

Everyone would agree that Jim, Pat and the entire Calhoun family are passionate about their commitment to assisting and participating in the many charitable endeavors associated with our University, the state of Connecticut and on the national level.

The significant contributions of Jim’s 23-year tenure at UConn have provided our institution with a nationally ranked men’s basketball program along with a platform to showcase our outstanding academic institution and serve as a rallying point for students, faculty, staff, alumni, friends and the state of Connecticut.

I am confident that Jim understands the impact of his comments from last Saturday and I believe with this behind us, Coach will now be able to focus his attention on the remainder of the regular season and the postseason ahead.

It has become clear that my comments have been misinterpreted by some as being insensitive to the current economic climate that those of us around our country and here in Connecticut are all facing.

I believe I have a duty, responsibility and obligation to support the state I love and the many people and organizations of Connecticut that are in need. I look forward to continuing with the same amount of passion and commitment to assist people and causes that are important to me and my family.