What’s In a Name

Only in independent baseball would you ever see this.


That’s right. The Long Beach Armada, who play in the Golden Baseball League, have decided to change their name to Long Beach Armada of Los Angeles of California of the United States of North America Including Barrow, Alaska. Otherwise known as LBALACUSNAIBA.

“In order to better reach the larger Armada Nation, we felt compelled to lengthen the name to incorporate all our fans stretching from the warm beaches of Los Angeles to the frigid beaches of the Artic Circle,” Golden Baseball League CEO Dave Kaval stated. “Our inspiration was Arte Moreno’s brilliant marketing gambit of positioning the Anaheim Angeles as an LA team. Being a real Los Angeles county team, we too wanted to extend our reach as far north as possible.”

The team was in the news last year when Jose Canseco played for them.

I’d hate to be a radio announcer or public address announcer in that league.