What Is It Worth To You?

That’s the big question being asked right now in collector’s circles. What is Barry Bonds 756th homerun ball worth to you? Some people put the value as high as $2 million dollars but more realistically it’s probably going to fetch between $500,000 and $1 million.

So if you caught the ball what would you do? Bonds is on record as saying he doesn’t need anymore money and to let whom ever catches it sell it for what they can get for it.

Alex Rodriguez’ 500th homerun ball is also stirring the debate. Walter Kowalczyk, a Yankee’s season ticket holder, caught the ball on ducatsSaturday afternoon in leftfield at Yankee Stadium. He still hasn’t decided what to do with the ball. Rodriguez is said to want the ball so what is it worth to Rodriguez?

In this case the ball is probably worth more to the player than to the team or to the Hall of Fame. Where the Bonds ball is most likely worth more to the Hall because Bonds has a history of not giving many memento’s to the shrine.

It’d be nice to have money, memorabilia or season tickets but I think deep down inside I’d just want the player to have the ball. If they gave me something for it that would be their prerogative.