What AROD Likes To DO

It’s bad enough that AROD did such an asinine thing last night and call for the ball, then you wake up see his mug on the front cover of the New York tabloids for something totally different. So let’s refresh your memory.

news002.jpg This came with the DJ thumbs up. DJ THUMBS UP

Even Manny reacted to it.Manny Being Manny

[Editors note: The parts about Manny and Jeter are for comic relief only. The pictures don’t reflect what they think because they haven’t commented publicly on the situation.]

You wake up and you go out to your door to get your morning NY tabloids and you’re greeted with this.


All I can say is this. I can’t wait til tomorrow to see what AROD has done next. Head over to the NY Post for the latest on where AROD is putting his parts.