Sue Bird and Diana Taurasi

birdright.gifwnba0062.JPGI came across this last night and I found it highly entertaining. Sue Bird and Diana Taurasi are doing a duel blog. Here is the description from the blog.

Throughout the 2007 WNBA season, these two longtime friends, teammates, roommates, competitors and fellow fun-loving troublemakers will exchange correspondence in this “Buddy Blog.” They will talk about anything and everything that comes to mind, all the while keeping each other up on how the other is doing in their travels and the march towards the Playoffs. And thanks to either kindness or dumbness, they have decided to share their letters with the world…

So if you’re a UCONN fan, Taurasi or Bird fan or just a WNBA fan in general, check it out. I have included it in my blogroll on the side, look for “The Buddy Blog”.