SOX & Dawgs At The Pro Bowl

NFL Pro Bowl 2009Here’s something special for the readers.

My brother, who lives in Hawaii, is attending the NFL Pro Bowl today at Aloha Stadium. The other day he asked me if I’d be interested in posting some photos from the pre-game festivities and whatever else he sends. Of course I agreed.

I will be updating the post throughout the day with the photos he sends. The time difference between Hawaii and the east coast is -5 hours.

Now onto the pictures:

My brother says note the early start time.

Early start time for the Pro Bowl tailgate

The scene outside Aloha Stadium

The scene outside Aloha Stadium

Raiders Super Fan

Raiders Super Fan

These guys brought their own porta- potty. We call’em lua’s in Hawaii.

These guys brought their own porta- potty. We call'em lua's in Hawaii.

New England Patriots fans made the trip

New England Patriots fans made the trip

Drunk Navy Boy showing his dance moves

Drunk Navy Boy showing his dancing skills

Little pig on the grill

Little pig on the grill

Some nice tailgating food


Row 24 corner seats . Gotta love the military

Row 24 corner seats

Hula girls


Air swoop eagle



Halftime show

More halftime show
