Saturday Salute to Bloggers

Amalie Benjamin from Extra Bases overheard a strange interview in the Oakland clubhouse after the game on Thursday.

Sooze and Lizzy from the ever popular Babes Love Baseball went under the bleachers with Carlos Zambrano.

Jason over at My Baseball Bias stayed up late Thursday night and wrote about some great fights in boxing.

SPORTSByBROOKS wants to be like Elton Brand.

J.D. from SporTech Matter talks about Dwayne Wade being a good guy on and off the court.

Will over at Deadspin stayed up for 24 hrs researching his new book.

Anthony from the Oriole Post has a few ideas of how the Orioles can make things better for the fans.

Cork over at Rays Index talks about David Price and years of cheesy headlines.

Jeff from Sox and Pinstripes says it’s time for the Red Sox to pull the plug on Joel Piñero.

Yankees Chick says it’s a good thing the Giambino has a lot of free time.

With Leather has some updates on Amanda Beard and her Playboy spread.

And your favorite part of the salute and mine.

Fitzy from the Townie News brings you his weekly “Wicked Pissah” webcast. He filmed this before Schilling’s gem on Thursday. As always, the video is NSFW.[/youtube]