Reunited and It Doesn’t Feel So Good

The Roger Clemens watch is now over. During the 7th inning stretch of the Yankees-Mariners game, he announced that he is returning to pitch for the Evil Empire. It will be about a month before he is ready to pitch in New York.

“Thank you all. Well, they came and got me out of Texas, and uh, I can tell you, it’s a privilege to be back. I’ll be talkin’ to you all soon.”

Honestly, the Yankees do need him more than any team in baseball right now. Their pitching staff has been decimated by injuries.

Friggin Yankees!

Update: The terms of the deal were announced. He will receive a prorated $28 million dollar contract for one year. So for each month, he will make $4.5 million dollars.

I guess it was about the money huh Roger.