Red Sox/Angels ALDS News & Notes – 10/3

Game 1 starters Beckett & Lackey

162 games down. 11 more wins to the promised land. It’s playoff time in Major League Baseball. The Red Sox and Angels both spent yesterday mulling over roster decisions for the ALDS and some surprises on both. No Wakefield for the Sox and no Matthews, Jr. for the Angels. It’s going to be an exciting series as both clubs play different styles of baseball. Steve and I will have our predictions at high noon today. So while you’re eagerly awaiting those, check out the headlines from the Boston and Los Angeles area media.

Excitement for the playoffs! [Yooooouuuuukkkkk]

Deal turned up an ace [Boston Globe]

Colon out, so Moseley back on playoff roster [LA Times]

Sox buckle up [Boston Herald]

Boston should beat Angels in four [The Orange County Register]

Trying To Prevent Angels’ Playoff Run [Hartford Courant]

The start of something big? [LA Daily News]

Series business [Pro Jo]

Mom and Vlad [LA Times]

Lowell unflappable [Boston Globe]

Best and worst of Bill Stoneman [The Orange County Register]

Manny has plan [Boston Herald]

Injuries have Angels facing a depth test [LA Daily News]

Back Keeps Wakefield Off Roster [Hartford Courant]

There’s no pitcher like Beckett, and that’s just fine with the Sox [Pro Jo]

For more headlines and stories, head over to the Boston Globe, Boston Herald, Providence Journal, Hartford Courant, LA Times, The Orange County Register and LA Daily News websites.