Red Sox ALCS News & Notes – 10/9

Mike Lowell, Manny and Lugo

The opponent in the ALCS is now known as the Indians eliminated the Yankees last night. The Red Sox now have evaluating to do with their playoff roster. Do you need to carry another pitcher? I think so. Although that pitcher will probably be Tim Wakefield. That brings this question? Who do you drop off the roster? My gut feeling says it will Bobby Kielty Kevin Cash. So while the Indians and Red Sox await Friday’s start of the ALCS, let’s take a look at the headlines from the Boston area media today.

Schilling’s ALDS clincher could be invaluable [Boston Globe]

Point Is To Stay Sharp [Hartford Courant]

Please take notice [Boston Herald]

Red Sox must play the waiting game [Pro Jo]

An internal battle [Boston Globe]

Good spin on rotation [Boston Herald]

For more headlines and stories, head over to the Boston Globe, Boston Herald, Providence Journal, and Hartford Courant websites.