Okajima Interview Part 2

Hideki Okajima - Reuters photoYesterday the Boston Globe showed the transcript of an interview with Red Sox reliever Hideki Okajima with a Japanese radio station and he talked about how he wasn’t comfortable at the beginning of the season.

Last night, part 2 of the interview aired and the Globe has once again translated. Here are a few of the questions and answers. You can see the full transcript of the interview by clicking here.

Y: There is a longer travel between the cities, for example, Boston and Los Angeles is like 4,500 km apart. That is a unheard amount of travel in Japan. Was it really bad?

O: That is a long flight. It takes like 4 or 5 hours. On top of that, there is a time difference. I get a headache when I am on the plane, maybe with the air pressure difference, and I usually am dizzy by the time I get off it.

Y: How did you get over it?

O: Get over it? I really didn’t. I kept playing as is. I pitched through the headaches and the dizziness. There was nothing I could do. I really hated the time differences.