Oh My Aching Ear Drums

What’s worse? Suzyn Waldman crying on the air during the Yankees post game show last night or knowing that Glenn Geffner will be in the booth for the ACLS and, if they make it, the World Series because Dave O’Brien will doing the games for MLB International?

This comes from the October 3rd edition of the Worcester Telegram & Gazette article by Bill Doyle:

(Dave) O’Brien and Joe Castiglione will call the Sox-Angels on radio, with Glenn Geffner helping out in the pregame and postgame shows. Geffner will join Castiglione in the booth if the Sox reach the ALCS or the World Series, because O’Brien will work those games for MLB International.

I really hope Scott’s Shots is right and this crap is ending next year and we get O’Brien on a regular basis. This year it’s been more like O’Brien filling for Geffner instead of the other way around.