Ode To The Orange Bowl

The Orange Bowl

The final University of Miami football game in Orange Bowl history is being played this weekend. There’s a few other events, a FIU game and a high school game and then the venerable old stadium will close it’s doors. Miami officials want to tear it down and Florida Marlins officials are hoping to use the site for a new baseball stadium. But over the 70 years there were some great games played there.

With apologies to Frank Sinatra here’s my Ode to the Orange Bowl….Thanks for the Memories.

Thanks for the memory
Of things I can’t forget
A guarantee by a Jet
Our wond’rous week
And then Namath and an upset
How lucky I was

And thanks for the memory
Phelan from Flutie
Miami lost to BC
Doug was propelled to the Heisman
off the throw to his roomie
what a miracle it was

Now since your going I wake up
Alone on a gray morning-after
I long for the sound of the fans chatter
And then I see the laugh’s on me

But thanks for the memory
Of every last minute touchdown drill
I’ve been through the mill
I’ve cheered a lot and jeered a lot
You loved me not and still
I’ll miss you so much

Thanks for the memory
It was here I found about Lennon
watched Nebraska loose to Johnson
I recall the night they shut down Payton
and saw the block on Von Schamann
How shocking it was

Thanks for the memory
a three pick game by AJ Duhe
Dorsey’s 13 yarder to Shockey
Wide right two and three
Vinny T and his 4 TD’s
How incredible it was

Gone are those evenings on Third Street
And those five Super Bowls
The first bowl game played at night
Maryland and a great comeback by Reich
We were all watching too

I know it’s a fallacy
but I saw the fumblerooskie
and Howley named Super Bowl MVP
acrobatics by Swann
and so many other icons
And thank you so much