Mr. Peña Goes To Washington

Cash Money Homey & The Player to be Named Later


So Wily Mo Peña is gone. Before today’s doubleheader against the Los Angeles Angels, Peña, 25, was traded to the Washington Nationals along with mo’ money for a stranger.

Wil-E Mo Bronson Arroyo So the Peña experiment is over one that failed miserably. At the time of the deal, he was hitting .218 with 5 HRs and 18 RBI. In 2006, his first with Boston, Peña hit .301 with 11 Hrs and 42 RBI. With his struggles at the plate, specifically the penchant for the whiff and his poor fielding ability it was time for him to go so the Sox could put someone who was more productive in his spot. Prior to his time in Boston he played with Cincinnati and was acquired for fan favorite Bronson Arroyo during Spring Training in 2006.

Wily Mo’s career numbers with the Red Sox and Reds are .256 BA with 67 HRs and 193 RBI. Hopefully in Washington he will get the playing time he needs to develop.