Mitchell Report: Statement From the Red Sox

Boston Red Sox logoHere is a press release from the Boston Red Sox concerning their involvement in the Mitchell Report and investigation:

The Boston Red Sox have supported and fully cooperated with this investigation initiated by Commissioner Selig and conducted by Senator Mitchell. The Senator and his staff should be thanked and commended for their dedicated and independent efforts in producing this important report.

It is imperative that we continue to educate our players on the dangers and unfairness of performance enhancing drugs and to do everything we can to eliminate them entirely from the game of baseball.

We are confident that that adoption and implementation of Major League Baseball’s and the Major League Baseball Players Association’s Joint Drug Prevention and Treatment Program, the toughest in all of professional sports, will also result in helping to achieve this goal. .

Until we have had the opportunity to read and review more thoroughly the Mitchell Report released today, we will have no further comment at this time.